Creating Security: The Difference Between Resources & Resourcefulness

When I was growing up, money was scarce. Not in reality, but certainly in my personal experience.

I was also sickly then (due to allergies that I thankfully outgrew), so I spent a lot of time inside reading, while my friends played outside.

Thanks to the library, I had a steady supply of books...

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How to Ask for What You Need

How do you ask for what you need?

Most people understand that when a baby cries, it’s because he’s hungry, wet, or experiencing some form of discomfort, and he doesn’t have the words to tell us what’s wrong.

We don’t judge the baby’s motives or character when...

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Unintentional Tolerating: How to Raise Your Minimum Standard

What are you tolerating right now?

Maybe it’s:

  • A body that aches or feels uncomfortable to be in.
  • An employer or coworker who speaks disrespectfully to you.
  • Insufficient dollars in your bank account.
  • A family member who consistently expects you to put their needs first.

I’ve talked...

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How to Overcome Burnout

Burnout is emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion caused by overwhelm – that feeling of constantly being swamped and like you’re still not doing enough.

Burnout looks a little different for everyone. Fatigue, feeling dissatisfied or apathetic toward your job, tension headaches,...

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What If You Did Know? (The Magical Question)

One of the primary roles of a life coach is to ask questions that help you tap into your inner wisdom to figure out solutions to problems or challenges and to know what actions to take to produce desired results in your life.

Whenever my coach asked me a question and I responded, “I...

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How Long Should You Try?

"How long should you try? Until." - Jim Rohn

I am reading this quote every day recently as encouragement not to give up on something that I really want to create and offer the world. Something I feel very strongly called to do.

Something I thought would take me 6-8 weeks to finish.


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Hungry for More? It May Be Divine Discontent



  1. not content; dissatisfied
  2. a restless desire or craving for something one does not have

If you were raised in a Christian home, you may have been taught, like I was, that not being content with what you have is a sin. If you have food and clothing, then you have all you...

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On Paper: How Writing Can Lessen Overwhelm and Confusion

”The art of writing is the art of discovering what you believe.” – Gustave Flaubert

The next time you feel overwhelmed or unsure of what to do, grab a pen and paper.

Not your phone, not your computer. Old school pen and paper.


As the Roman poet Horace observed two thousand...

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Love or Manipulation?

“I can do nothing but work on myself. You can do nothing but work on yourself.” – Ram Dass

When you love someone it’s natural to want the best for him or her. The problem is, it’s impossible to know what’s best for another person.

You may think you know, but...

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The Sure Thing

One of the things that keeps us stuck when we are less than satisfied in life is our desire for the sure thing. We want to do something that we know will succeed in yielding the results we want; otherwise, why bother?

Before making changes or taking action, we want to know that we’re taking...

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Unconditional Self-Acceptance

Learning to love yourself is one of the most important aspects of living with peace, joy, and fulfillment.

It’s also one of the hardest things to do.

One reason it’s difficult is because it requires unconditional self-acceptance.

Unconditional self-acceptance is acknowledging all the...

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Breaking the Cycle of Negative Thinking

“It is the mark of educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” - Aristotle

If you are someone who understands the role your thoughts play in creating your life experience, it is especially frustrating to be aware of negative or unhelpful thoughts and not be...

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Deliberate Thinking to Help You Take Action

What can you do when you want to make a change in your life, but you feel stuck?

Sometimes simply taking a step in the direction of the change helps, because it’s easier to steer a moving vessel than one that’s docked. A single step can open new doors of opportunity and put you in a...

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Being Comfortable with Discomfort

Comfort zones are most often expanded through discomfort. – Peter McWilliams

In December 2022, Tim and I began slow travelling the world. Since then, we’ve encountered nine countries, 19 cities, eight languages, seven currencies, and more than a dozen culinary and cultural changes.


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Mastering the Art of Living: Dissolving the Boundaries Between Work and Play

A master in the art of living draws no sharp distinction between his work and his play; his labor and his leisure; his mind and his body; his education and his recreation. He hardly knows which is which. He simply pursues his vision of excellence through whatever he is doing, and leaves others to...

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Boundaries: What They Are and Why Don't Need Them

When I was in college, I read the book Boundaries by Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend to help me handle a troubling relationship with a family member in which I regularly felt frustrated, hurt, and angry. As the subtitle of the book indicates, Boundaries teaches you “when to say yes, and...

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Arguing About Salad (I Am Never Upset for the Reason I Think)

On a Saturday afternoon, Tim and I stood in front of the produce stand in the central square of the village in Sicily that is home to us this month and argued over salad.

We were finishing up a series of stops at various shops and stands to get the food, water, and other supplies we needed to...

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The Most Satisfying Goals

Set a goal to feel good – but first know what that feels like.

Every good marketer knows that people don’t buy the products they sell. They buy how the product they sell makes them feel.

If you ask most people how they want to feel, they’ll say they want to feel...

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Making Meaning

Our minds are meaning-making machines.

All day long, our bodies’ senses (sight, sound, smell, etc.) take in the events around us, and our brains attempt to assimilate our perceptions and make sense of them.

Our boss passes us over for a promotion, our spouse says (or doesn’t say)...

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When Nothing is Wrong...and Nothing is All Right

What do you do when nothing is wrong and also nothing is all right?

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, bully for you; you can skip this read.

But if you’re where I was a few years ago, looking at yourself and your life wondering, “Is this it? Is this all there...

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Want Financial Security? Stop Planning for Retirement

I had heard from people older and (presumably) wiser than me that life is short. For several years after college, as I worked a variety of jobs trying to find one I liked, I often wondered,

If life is short, why are the days so long?

They seemed to tick by in slow, painful minutes, especially...

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